Learn Digital Marketing Course Online


Learn Digital Marketing Strategies and Techniques in this Online Course



Hi there! If you are looking for a digital marketing course, I recommend checking out this Digital Marketing Course offered by the Style4sure.

It covers all the essential topics such as SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, paid advertising and analytics. The program is taught by Ankit Agarwal (Director of Style4sure Technologies Pvt. Ltd.) and includes online learning, interactive group activities and hands-on exercises. I’m confident that the course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to be successful in digital marketing.

By joining this course you will be able to: 

Start Digital Marketing Agency

Grow your own business

Start working as freelancer


⇒ Practical assignment with hand holding support

⇒ Pre-recorded videos with assignment

⇒ Most affordable complete digital marketing course



Lowest Fees

Grow Your Mind


100% Practical Training


Highest Value

Marketing Mindset Masterclass

What you will learn:

Basic and Advanced Marketing Concepts
Customer Psychology
Marketing Psychology
Pricing of a product
Product life cycle
Value Creation
Marketing Funnels
Marketing Strategies

Graphic Designing Masterclass

What you will learn:

Color Theory
Shape Theory
Space Theory
Brand Guidelines
Digital Assets Creation

Website Creation Masterclass

What you will learn:

Website Research
Competitor Analysis
Value Creation
Website Planning
Business Website Creation
Ecommerce Website Creation

SEO Masterclass

What you will learn:

SEO Core Concepts
Keyword Research
ON-Page Optimisation
OFF-Page Optimisation
Technical SEO
Local SEO
Growth Hack on SEO
Affiliate Marketing with SEO
Tools – Ahref, Yoast, SEMRush,
UberSuggest,Search Console

Copywriting Masterclass

What you will learn:

Core Concept
Value Creation
Hook Creation
Power Words
Copywriting Frameworks
Story Telling
Science of Value Creation
AI Tools For Copywriting

Social Media Masterclass

What you will learn:

Social Media Core Concepts
Continuous Branding
Campaign Creation
Audience persona on Different social platforms
Brand Psychology
Comparing Each Platform
Youtube Masterclass
Linkedin Masterclass
Types of Posts and Advantages
Content Research
SMM for Businesses
SMM for Personal Brand

Facebook Ads Masterclass

What you will learn:

Goal Setting
How to Make Money With Facebook Ads
Facebook Pixel Installation
Custom Conversions
Custom and Lookalike Audiences
Facebook Campaign Structure
Facebook Sales Funnels

Google Ads Masterclass

What you will learn:

Foundations of PPC Advertising
Setting up and Exploring Your Google Ads account
Keyword Research and Targeting
Learn bidding methods and ranking algorithms
Create conversions and enable conversion tracking
Create Search Ads
Create Display Campaigns
Run Youtube Ads
Run Remarketing campaigns on Google Ads
Run Dynamic Search Campaigns
Create Discovery Campaigns
Optimize Google Ads campaigns
In-depth knowledge of web analytics
Campaigns that generate ROI
Advanced tracking and monitoring strategies

Analytics & Growth
Hack Masterclass

What you will learn:

Introduction to Google Analytics
How to install Google Analytics
Google Tag Assistant
Google Analytics Basic Settings
Google Analytics and Google Search Console
How to correctly interpret Page Views
How to use Google Analytics to Boost your SEO
Google Analytics popular reports for SEOs.
How to create Goals in Google Analytics
How to track Click events with Google Analytics
Conversion Tracking
Growth Hacks Based on Analytics

Landing Page

What you will learn:

Competitor Research
Design a high converting landing
page from scratch
Run A/B tests to optimized conversion rate
Run A/B tests to optimized conversion rate
Psychology of value creation
Identifying the issues
Design motivating call to actions

Course Launching Soon..

Prebook Today



Bonus 1

WordPress Plugins

Some premium paid plugins which will help to develop or design wordpress website easily and efficiently.

Bonus 2

E-Commerce Website

One year e-commerce website with thousands of products for drop-shipping may be available at discounted price.

Bonus 3

Cheat Sheet

Some frameworks and cheat sheet will be shared that will help you to help you stay ahead of competitors.